Daily precipitation [mm]
Daily actual evapotranspiration [mm]
Cumulative actual evapotranspiration over the past 3 dekads [mm].
Cumulative precipitation over the past 3 dekads [mm].
Hydrological Drought Index; ratio of precipitation to evapo(trans)piration over the past 3 dekads [%]. It is a measure of the water amount that remains available for deeper percolation or surface runoff.
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Meteorological Drough Index; cumulative precipitation over cumulative potential evapotranspiration over the past 3 dekads [%]. It indicates whether precipitation is able to supply sufficient water for optimum plant growth.
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Hydrological Drought Index of the past 3 dekads compared to the average HDI of the same dekads over the past 10 years [%].
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Meteorological Drought Index of the past 3 dekads compared to the average MDI of the same dekads over the past 10 years [%].
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Cumulative precipitation of the past 3 dekads compared to the average cumulative precipitation of the same dekads over the past 10 years [%]